{"text":"Remove Property","questionTextWidth":100,"verticalPosition":2,"verticalOffset":-24,"horizontalPosition":3,"fadeDuration":1,"popupDivClass":"abovePopup"}
{"text":"Remove Driver","questionTextWidth":100,"verticalPosition":2,"verticalOffset":-24,"horizontalPosition":3,"fadeDuration":1,"popupDivClass":"abovePopup"}
{"text":"Remove Partner","questionTextWidth":100,"verticalPosition":2,"verticalOffset":-24,"horizontalPosition":3,"fadeDuration":1,"popupDivClass":"abovePopup"}
{"text":"To add more than one category simply click \u0027Add another\u0027.","questionTextWidth":100,"verticalPosition":2,"verticalOffset":-7,"horizontalPosition":3,"horizontalOffset":-24}
{"text":"To add more than one category simply click \u0027Add another\u0027.","questionTextWidth":100,"verticalPosition":3,"verticalOffset":-7,"horizontalOffset":24}
{"text":"To add more than one bike simply click \u0027Add another\u0027.","questionTextWidth":100,"verticalPosition":2,"verticalOffset":-7,"horizontalPosition":3,"horizontalOffset":-24}
{"text":"To add more than one bike simply click \u0027Add another\u0027.","questionTextWidth":100,"verticalPosition":3,"verticalOffset":-7,"horizontalOffset":24}
{"text":"To add more than one technology item simply click \u0027Add another\u0027.","questionTextWidth":100,"verticalPosition":2,"verticalOffset":-7,"horizontalPosition":3,"horizontalOffset":-24}
{"text":"To add more than one technology item simply click \u0027Add another\u0027.","questionTextWidth":100,"verticalPosition":3,"verticalOffset":-7,"horizontalOffset":24}
{"text":"Registered Childminder: A person contracted and paid to care for children, aged between 0-15 years, in the Childminder\u0027s own home who is carrying out standard childminding activities and is registered on the compulsory part of the relevant register for Ofsted in England, Care Inspectorate Wales in Wales, Care Inspectorate in Scotland, Northern Irish Health and Social Care Trust in Northern Ireland or your local registering bodies in Isle of Man and Channel Islands.","questionTextWidth":100,"verticalPosition":3,"verticalOffset":-40,"horizontalPosition":2,"horizontalOffset":295}
{"text":"Registered Childminder: A person contracted and paid to care for children, aged between 0-15 years, in the Childminder\u0027s own home who is carrying out standard childminding activities and is registered on the compulsory part of the relevant register for Ofsted in England, Care Inspectorate Wales in Wales, Care Inspectorate in Scotland, Northern Irish Health and Social Care Trust in Northern Ireland or your local registering bodies in Isle of Man and Channel Islands.","questionTextWidth":100,"verticalPosition":3,"verticalOffset":-7,"horizontalOffset":24}
{"text":"Employers Liability covers the cost of compensating employees who are injured at or become ill through work due to employers’ negligence. See Useful Information for more details","questionTextWidth":100,"verticalPosition":3,"verticalOffset":-40,"horizontalPosition":2,"horizontalOffset":180}
{"text":"Employers Liability covers the cost of compensating employees who are injured at or become ill through work due to employers’ negligence. See Useful Information for more details.","questionTextWidth":100,"verticalPosition":3,"verticalOffset":-7,"horizontalOffset":24}
{"text":"A person who is 18 years of age or over and who is or may be in need or community care services by reason of mental or other disability, age or illness and who is or may be unable to take care of him/herself, or unable to protect him/herself against significant harm or serious exploitation","questionTextWidth":100,"verticalPosition":3,"verticalOffset":-40,"horizontalPosition":2,"horizontalOffset":501}
{"text":"A person who is 18 years of age or over and who is or may be in need or community care services by reason of mental or other disability, age or illness and who is or may be unable to take care of him/herself, or unable to protect him/herself against significant harm or serious exploitation","questionTextWidth":100,"verticalPosition":3,"verticalOffset":-7,"horizontalOffset":24}
{"text":"Our definition of Permanent Premises is: A premises you own, or occupy under lease or other arrangement, from where you operate your business and where you keep your business contents. If you don\u0027t keep contents at any of the premises you operate at, then answer this question as \u0027No\u0027.","questionTextWidth":100,"verticalPosition":3,"verticalOffset":-40,"horizontalPosition":2,"horizontalOffset":718}
{"text":"Our definition of Permanent Premises is: A premises you own, or occupy under lease or other arrangement, from where you operate your business and where you keep your business contents. If you don\u0027t keep contents at any of the premises you operate at, then answer this question as \u0027No\u0027.","questionTextWidth":100,"verticalPosition":3,"verticalOffset":-7,"horizontalOffset":24}
{"text":"Our definition of employee: any person working under your control in connection with the business who is: under a contract of service or apprenticeship to you; a labour master or labour only sub contractor or person supplied by them; a self-employed person providing labour only; a trainee or person undergoing work experience, training, study or exchange scheme; a person under a contract of service or apprenticeship with some other employer and who is hired to or borrowed by you; a voluntary worker.","questionTextWidth":100,"verticalPosition":3,"verticalOffset":-40,"horizontalPosition":2,"horizontalOffset":323}
{"text":"Our definition of employee: any person working under your control in connection with the business who is: under a contract of service or apprenticeship to you; a labour master or labour only sub contractor or person supplied by them; a self-employed person providing labour only; a trainee or person undergoing work experience, training, study or exchange scheme; a person under a contract of service or apprenticeship with some other employer and who is hired to or borrowed by you; a voluntary worker.","questionTextWidth":100,"verticalPosition":3,"verticalOffset":-7,"horizontalOffset":24}
{"text":"Contents is property used solely in connection with your business, belonging to you for which you are legally responsible and kept at the premises.\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eBuildings include outbuildings, extensions, annexes, permanent fixtures and fittings car parks, driveways, paths, steps and roadways.","questionTextWidth":100,"verticalPosition":3,"verticalOffset":-40,"horizontalPosition":2,"horizontalOffset":603}
{"text":"Contents is property used solely in connection with your business, belonging to you for which you are legally responsible and kept at the premises.\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eBuildings include outbuildings, extensions, annexes, permanent fixtures and fittings car parks, driveways, paths, steps and roadways.","questionTextWidth":100,"verticalPosition":3,"verticalOffset":-7,"horizontalOffset":24}
{"text":"RoSPA - The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eRPII - The Register of Play Inspectors","questionTextWidth":100,"verticalPosition":3,"verticalOffset":-40,"horizontalPosition":2,"horizontalOffset":191}
{"text":"RoSPA - The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eRPII - The Register of Play Inspectors","questionTextWidth":100,"verticalPosition":3,"verticalOffset":-7,"horizontalOffset":24}
{"text":"Cyber Crime is only available if you have selected to insure for Computer System Damage, Data, Extra Costs and Business Income","questionTextWidth":100,"verticalPosition":3,"verticalOffset":-40,"horizontalPosition":2,"horizontalOffset":140}
{"text":"Cyber Crime is only available if you have selected to insure for Computer System Damage, Data, Extra Costs and Business Income","questionTextWidth":100,"verticalPosition":3,"verticalOffset":-7,"horizontalOffset":24}
{"text":"Regularly means uniform intervals of time, e.g. every two or five years.","questionTextWidth":100,"verticalPosition":3,"verticalOffset":-40,"horizontalPosition":2,"horizontalOffset":420}
{"text":"Regularly means uniform intervals of time, e.g. every two or five years.","questionTextWidth":100,"verticalPosition":3,"verticalOffset":-7,"horizontalOffset":24}
{"text":"This may include counter top or free standing, single or double basket frying equipment.","questionTextWidth":100,"verticalPosition":3,"verticalOffset":-40,"horizontalPosition":2,"horizontalOffset":564}
{"text":"This may include counter top or free standing, single or double basket frying equipment.","questionTextWidth":100,"verticalPosition":3,"verticalOffset":-7,"horizontalOffset":24}
{"text":"External doors are all final exit doors of the premises, whether they be front, back or side entrances/exits.","questionTextWidth":100,"verticalPosition":3,"verticalOffset":-40,"horizontalPosition":2,"horizontalOffset":339}
{"text":"External doors are all final exit doors of the premises, whether they be front, back or side entrances/exits.","questionTextWidth":100,"verticalPosition":3,"verticalOffset":-7,"horizontalOffset":24}
{"text":"Accessible opening windows are all windows that can be accessed from ground level and can be opened.","questionTextWidth":100,"verticalPosition":3,"verticalOffset":-40,"horizontalPosition":2,"horizontalOffset":431}
{"text":"Accessible opening windows are all windows that can be accessed from ground level and can be opened.","questionTextWidth":100,"verticalPosition":3,"verticalOffset":-7,"horizontalOffset":24}
{"text":"Do you operate all of your business sessions from the basement only?","questionTextWidth":100,"verticalPosition":3,"verticalOffset":-40,"horizontalPosition":2,"horizontalOffset":455}
{"text":"Do you operate all of your business sessions from the basement only?","questionTextWidth":100,"verticalPosition":3,"verticalOffset":-7,"horizontalOffset":24}
{"text":"A self contained property has all its own facilities, so there are no shared rooms such as kitchens or bathrooms.","questionTextWidth":100,"verticalPosition":3,"verticalOffset":-40,"horizontalPosition":2,"horizontalOffset":127}
{"text":"A self contained property has all its own facilities, so there are no shared rooms such as kitchens or bathrooms.","questionTextWidth":100,"verticalPosition":3,"verticalOffset":-7,"horizontalOffset":24}
{"text":"responsibilities including cooking, laundry, ironing, shopping for food and other household errands, but not repair and maintenance of property.","questionTextWidth":100,"verticalPosition":3,"verticalOffset":-40,"horizontalPosition":2,"horizontalOffset":516}
{"text":"responsibilities including cooking, laundry, ironing, shopping for food and other household errands, but not repair and maintenance of property.","questionTextWidth":100,"verticalPosition":3,"verticalOffset":-7,"horizontalOffset":24}
{"text":"\u003cstrong\u003eAbuse\u003c/strong\u003e\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003ea) acts of hurting or injuring mentally or physically by maltreatment or ill-use\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eb) actual or attempted sexual relations, sexual contact or intimacy, sexual harassment or sexual exploitation whether under the guise of treatment or not, or in the course of treatment or not\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003ec) repeated or continuing contemptuous coarse or insulting words of behaviours","questionTextWidth":100,"verticalPosition":3,"verticalOffset":-40,"horizontalPosition":2,"horizontalOffset":126}
{"text":"\u003cstrong\u003eAbuse\u003c/strong\u003e\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003ea) acts of hurting or injuring mentally or physically by maltreatment or ill-use\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eb) actual or attempted sexual relations, sexual contact or intimacy, sexual harassment or sexual exploitation whether under the guise of treatment or not, or in the course of treatment or not\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003ec) repeated or continuing contemptuous coarse or insulting words of behaviours","questionTextWidth":100,"verticalPosition":3,"verticalOffset":-7,"horizontalOffset":24}
{"text":"\u003cstrong\u003eAbuse\u003c/strong\u003e\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003ea) acts of hurting or injuring mentally or physically by maltreatment or ill-use\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eb) actual or attempted sexual relations, sexual contact or intimacy, sexual harassment or sexual exploitation whether under the guise of treatment or not, or in the course of treatment or not\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003ec) repeated or continuing contemptuous coarse or insulting words of behaviours","questionTextWidth":100,"verticalPosition":3,"verticalOffset":-40,"horizontalPosition":2,"horizontalOffset":550}
{"text":"\u003cstrong\u003eAbuse\u003c/strong\u003e\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003ea) acts of hurting or injuring mentally or physically by maltreatment or ill-use\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eb) actual or attempted sexual relations, sexual contact or intimacy, sexual harassment or sexual exploitation whether under the guise of treatment or not, or in the course of treatment or not\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003ec) repeated or continuing contemptuous coarse or insulting words of behaviours","questionTextWidth":100,"verticalPosition":3,"verticalOffset":-7,"horizontalOffset":24}
{"text":"\u003cstrong\u003eAbuse\u003c/strong\u003e\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003ea) acts of hurting or injuring mentally or physically by maltreatment or ill-use\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eb) actual or attempted sexual relations, sexual contact or intimacy, sexual harassment or sexual exploitation whether under the guise of treatment or not, or in the course of treatment or not\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003ec) repeated or continuing contemptuous coarse or insulting words of behaviours","questionTextWidth":100,"verticalPosition":3,"verticalOffset":-40,"horizontalPosition":2,"horizontalOffset":485}
{"text":"\u003cstrong\u003eAbuse\u003c/strong\u003e\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003ea) acts of hurting or injuring mentally or physically by maltreatment or ill-use\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eb) actual or attempted sexual relations, sexual contact or intimacy, sexual harassment or sexual exploitation whether under the guise of treatment or not, or in the course of treatment or not\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003ec) repeated or continuing contemptuous coarse or insulting words of behaviours","questionTextWidth":100,"verticalPosition":3,"verticalOffset":-7,"horizontalOffset":24}
{"text":"Details of the Association of Play Industries can be found at this website \u003ca href=\u0022https://www.api-play.org\u0022 target=\u0022_blank\u0022\u003ewww.api-play.org\u003c/a\u003e","questionTextWidth":100,"verticalPosition":3,"verticalOffset":-40,"horizontalPosition":2,"horizontalOffset":155}
{"text":"Details of the Association of Play Industries can be found at this website \u003ca href=\u0022https://www.api-play.org\u0022 target=\u0022_blank\u0022\u003ewww.api-play.org\u003c/a\u003e","questionTextWidth":100,"verticalPosition":3,"verticalOffset":-7,"horizontalOffset":24}
{"text":"Footage may be required in the event of a claim","questionTextWidth":100,"verticalPosition":3,"verticalOffset":-40,"horizontalPosition":2,"horizontalOffset":435}
{"text":"Footage may be required in the event of a claim","questionTextWidth":100,"verticalPosition":3,"verticalOffset":-7,"horizontalOffset":24}
{"text":"This is the actual profit after the working expenses not included in the calculation of gross profit","questionTextWidth":100,"verticalPosition":3,"verticalOffset":-40,"horizontalPosition":2,"horizontalOffset":412}
{"text":"This is the actual profit after the working expenses not included in the calculation of gross profit","questionTextWidth":100,"verticalPosition":3,"verticalOffset":-7,"horizontalOffset":24}
{"text":"You may wish someone to act on your behalf when making enquiries about or changes to this policy. If so, please provide their details here.\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eWe would only use these contact details if we were unable to make contact with you in the first instance.","questionTextWidth":100,"verticalPosition":3,"verticalOffset":-40,"horizontalPosition":2,"horizontalOffset":374}
{"text":"You may wish someone to act on your behalf when making enquiries about or changes to this policy. If so, please provide their details here.\u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eWe would only use these contact details if we were unable to make contact with you in the first instance.","questionTextWidth":100,"verticalPosition":3,"verticalOffset":-7,"horizontalOffset":24}
{"text":"Please provide up to the first 10 Partners, Directors, Trustees, or Committee Members. If you are unsure of the details, or who should be added please contact us. We are obliged to collect this information and share with third parties for checks to satisfy financial crime regulations.","questionTextWidth":100,"verticalPosition":3,"verticalOffset":-40,"horizontalPosition":2,"horizontalOffset":520}
{"text":"Please provide up to the first 10 Partners, Directors, Trustees, or Committee Members. If you are unsure of the details, or who should be added please contact us. We are obliged to collect this information and share with third parties for checks to satisfy financial crime regulations.","questionTextWidth":100,"verticalPosition":3,"verticalOffset":-7,"horizontalOffset":24}
{"text":"If your employees earn less than a certain amount per week, then you do not need to register for Pay As You Earn. Visit \u003ca href=\u0022https://www.gov.uk/paye-for-employers\u0022 target=\u0022_blank\u0022\u003ewww.gov.uk/paye-for-employers\u003c/a\u003e to see if you are exempt.","questionTextWidth":100,"verticalPosition":3,"verticalOffset":-40,"horizontalPosition":2,"horizontalOffset":240}
{"text":"If your employees earn less than a certain amount per week, then you do not need to register for Pay As You Earn. Visit \u003ca href=\u0022https://www.gov.uk/paye-for-employers\u0022 target=\u0022_blank\u0022\u003ewww.gov.uk/paye-for-employers\u003c/a\u003e to see if you are exempt.","questionTextWidth":100,"verticalPosition":3,"verticalOffset":-7,"horizontalOffset":24}
{"text":"When you register with HMRC as an employer operating PAYE you will be issued with an Employer Reference Number (ERN). It is often referred to as an employer PAYE reference and is usually in the format of 3 numbers/2 letters, 5 numbers, e.g. 123/AB12345.","questionTextWidth":100,"verticalPosition":3,"verticalOffset":-40,"horizontalPosition":2,"horizontalOffset":373}
{"text":"When you register with HMRC as an employer operating PAYE you will be issued with an Employer Reference Number (ERN). It is often referred to as an employer PAYE reference and is usually in the format of 3 numbers/2 letters, 5 numbers, e.g. 123/AB12345.","questionTextWidth":100,"verticalPosition":3,"verticalOffset":-7,"horizontalOffset":24}
{"text":"If your pet is being added on to this policy for the first time or back on to the policy after a break from our cover, then these declarations will apply. They apply at all stages of your policy.","questionTextWidth":100,"verticalPosition":3,"verticalOffset":-60,"horizontalPosition":2,"horizontalOffset":190}
{"text":"If your pet is being added on to this policy for the first time or back on to the policy after a break from our cover, then these declarations will apply. They apply at all stages of your policy.","questionTextWidth":100,"verticalPosition":3,"verticalOffset":-7,"horizontalOffset":24}
{"text":"Employers Liability cover is included as standard. \u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eIf you are a Sole Trader, or Owner and you have no employees or volunteers, this section would not provide any cover for you.","questionTextWidth":100,"verticalPosition":3,"verticalOffset":-36,"horizontalPosition":2,"horizontalOffset":190}
{"text":"Employers Liability cover is included as standard. \u003cbr/\u003e\u003cbr/\u003eIf you are a Sole Trader, or Owner and you have no employees or volunteers, this section would not provide any cover for you.","questionTextWidth":100,"verticalPosition":3,"verticalOffset":-7,"horizontalOffset":24}
{"text":"Please email \u003ca href=\u0022mailto:customerservice@mortonmichel.com\u0022\u003ecustomerservice@mortonmichel.com\u003c/a\u003e or call us on \u003ca href=\u00220330 058 9861\u0022\u003e0330 058 9861\u003c/a\u003e at least two days prior to your next renewal date to inform us.","questionTextWidth":100,"verticalPosition":3,"verticalOffset":-40,"horizontalPosition":2,"horizontalOffset":-295}